rantings & ramblings
Things I like, hate or find interesting.
today, i'm going to blare the music & crochet til my fingers hurt lol. i've been doing very little crocheting in the last wk & i really do miss it. i downloaded a lot of new patterns (to me @ least) the other night & i made 2 children size hats. i'll try to get pics & pattern links up later today.
i thought imgur was gonna be a great website to store & make memes but after 2 wks, i've changed my mind. in those 2 wks, i got told 3 x's that it was not FB & that my skills lacked. i know they lack!! i just started!! lol sooooo, i will be giving out a bad review for the site or i should say the others who troll the site. you'll learn that i'm all for giving kudos but have no prob giving a bad word either.....just the way i am. i've got recipes in word too just need to get them on here lol. i need more hrs in the day, huh?? lol i had some pages missing....got that fixed. still working on the worksheets/techniques for the mental health page. i'll get there kiddes, just need time lol advice?? when you think you're not wanted, leave & find a better class of people Always & forever, Crazy Chick i tried really hard to keep Monday away but it didn't work *sigh*. i got a lot of organizing done this wkend, 1 of the joys of the manic side of bipolar. now if i can just remember where i put things when i want/need them lol.
i found paperwork that i didn't know i'd saved....pics of good times.....clothes that i thought had gotten lost over the last 4 yrs.......crazy! 1 of my siblings just rolled every time i said, Shit! That's where that was! being bipolar, if i don't stay somewhat organized it can cause problems later. i try to find a spot & keep it there. less chance of an anger outburst or a breakdown speaking of being bipolar, i've been asked to share some of the worksheets & techniques i've learned over my decade so when i get time, i'll try to get those up on here. some of them work great, some worked for awhile, some need tweaked & some made me realize that i wasn't off base after all lol. my fave is meditation, that's been a great tool. it took me months to be able to control my racing thoughts but i got 'er down finally lol advice?? even a pearl gets dirty before becoming a gem Always & forever, Crazy Chick today, i wish you the day that you need it to be......whatever that may hold &/or be. i'm a firm believer in the fact that everyone deserves/needs an unwind day. those days where you may get stuff done but it's @ your speed not someone else's. the days were you can laugh & go.....yep, i'll get it tomorrow.
ya know.....eating powdered heart attacks (doughnuts) while typing is prob not the smartest thing i've done lmao. then again, never have said that i was the sharpest tool in the shed! i've done some really stupid, idiotic things in my 40+ yrs on this earth!! sometimes i wonder how the hell i've survived!! but like Waylon sang, i may be crazy but it's kept me from going insane or maybe like Justin Wells sings, Lord, you can hate me for all my sinnin'. But i swear to God, i'm goin' down grinnin'......let's hope i don't get to Chad Sullins & LCC's Thank God for Jack Daniels!! roflmdao advice? live, love, laugh Always & forever, Crazy Chick been a long wk in some ways, too short in other ways. but like they say, i didn't need bail money & they didn't give me a jacket that let's me hug myself :) but both options were viable thru the wk lol.
the biggy this wk was that i was told a few months ago just to ask for help when i needed it.......i don't lean well on others :) i asked a couple of times this wk to only be told once "i can't cause......" & "you can do that yourself". kind of irking to say the least. i posted another new story on the blog so i have 2 new 1's in the last 24 :) i'm in the process of "cleaning up" some pages that just didn't look good to me & when i asked a "geek's outlook", she said......."looks like shit, Chick!" good thing i know she loves me, huh? rofl so again, as i get the time, i'll sit down & make it better by adding some things, separating some things up & just in general make it flow better :) the crochet patterns & recipes will be the hardest since i have to put a lot of them in word then get them on the site so give me time. i've been able to add a couple/day so far :) kiddies.........have a great day & know that you can't control someone else's behavior but you can control how you respond to it Always & forever, Crazy Chick sometimes, i think my death will either be caused by being sarcastic @ the wrong time OR hanging around kids under 16. i usually love kids cause they know how to K.I.S.S. -->Keep It Simple, Stupid.......here lately tho ugghhh
i have a 14 yr old boy who thinks blowing shit up & loud rock is just awesome!! the problem?? he does these things @ the wrong time rofl. i wanna strangle him sooo bad some days. i'll have to sit down & tell you guys bout "THE day".......omg! i'm pretty sure he was gonna die that day had it not been for an uncle & i stepping in to remind his dad that he did some really stupid shit too. then there's the 10 yr old, Doodle......holy shit w/ that girl! i love her more than my life but sometimes i look @ her & ask, Do you speak English?? she can be the sweetest little girl, the most loving THEN she unleashes this thing that III can't even describe! she has no desire to help out around the house. she has no desire to help anyone who can't "pay back" the favor. her main phrase is, "you don't get it!!" my reply to her the other day was...."when you've been thru 1/2 of what your mom, grandma & i have been thru.......we'll talk about who doesn't get what. you're spoiled & from the entitlement generation". this DID NOT go over well *giggle* Advice?? Be nice til it's time to not be nice Always & forever, Crazy Chick i have a set of friends that for 20+ yrs have been playing shenanigans off & on again w/ the rest of us. they've sent me steering wheel columns, plane parts & several other things. 1 of them is famous for saying, "suck it" & i got tired of hearing it so a few months ago.....i sent him a bag of Tootsie Pops w/ a note saying, "no, you suck it". 1 is very much a skirt chaser so i sent him a gift card to a dating site. yea, sometimes we're not nice lol. my fave shenanigan i pulled on them was that a group of them were all in the same area & wanted some baked goodies from me. i was working 2 jobs, cranky well bitchy & so i sent them copies of my fave cookie, cake & pie recipes........they WERE NOT entertained :) the best they ever pulled on me?? ahhh, a goodie! we were all together for 1 of their weddings & it WAS game on shit. i didn't like the bride-to-be & had no prob letting everyone know it. the biggest prankster of us all comes & tells me that she wants to talk & clear the air before the wedding..........he told her the same thing........let's just say that they said you could hear us across the parking lot which was about a 1/2 mile wide. we cleared the air alright! we still dislike ea other to this day. i think she's a slut & she thinks i'm bitch lmao. well, kiddies, that's enough story telling for now.......if i get a spare 1/2 hr, i'll tell a story later. Advice? never leave 'em doubting where you stand Always & forever, Crazy Chick got the sassy pants on already today *giggle* yesterday was kinda rough but today.......hell on wheels is a good description.
that 10 yr old, i'm telling you!! she's a hoot most the time. she got to telling jokes last night & this morning. most were little kid groaners but she might have found a thing she's good @. Doddle is very quick witted when she just lets it fly. this also gets her in trouble sometimes lmao. we need to work on her timing. watch for new stuff on the blog. adding more crochet patterns, added a "this is where i got it" page for where i get all my goodies for the site. added a recipe page. slowly but surely, i'm getting it where i want it. it's hard cause i like so many things in this thing we call life. thought about putting a "fave songs" page up but then i'd have to split it into decades, genres, etc. i don't know if i have the energy for that kinda mess. you're best bet there is to follow my youtube channel to see what i've been spinning lol. Advice?? Sometimes, unexpected is a good thing Always & forever, Crazy Chick so many make fun of my music taste....i'll listen to anything from the Alabama Shakes (playing now) to Zeppelin. just depends on what's grooving me @ the moment. yesterday, i was listening to metal then a friend posted a Waylon song........off to outlaw country i went lol.
the only genres that i'm not real fond of are new age rap, new age R&B & classical. other than that, i'll give it a spin & decide if i like it. someone might give me a new song they like & it leads to me liking a lot by the artist &/or group. if ya'd like to see how messed up taste is.......go check out my youtube channel, it's crazy! some funnies.......i live w/ a 10 yr girl who some days i would die for & others i may cause her death lmao. she made a cake.....no biggy except she had to put blue food coloring in it! we are now eating a blue cake that has pink frosting & hot pink sprinkles! last night, i'm in my bedroom grooving to some country rock & she walks in..........Doodle: you like this stuff? Me: yea, in the lyrics of Barbara Mandrell, "i was country before country was cool". Doodle: scary, auntie, really scary. then she ran! roflmao kiddies, keep on rockin'! Always & forever, Crazy Chick today's agenda is going to be.....survive 1st & foremost. to be kind & gentle to all souls, wear a smile & be the angel that i'm known to be. (quit laughing lol) but also need to make a couple of calls.
i had a very proud auntie moment last night.........my niece was in my room singing, almost @ the top of her lungs, Queen's Somebody to Love. i do try to "infect" her with some of my music taste. Made lots of updates & changes to the site yesterday. hope y'all enjoy them. i found new programs to play round w/ soooo watch for goodies to pop up here, there & everywhere *giggle* inkscape makes it so much easier to make memes & twist things around....loving it! freepix's website is stuffed full of icons, images & alllll sorts of things for me to play w/. i'm also going to check out a program called InfanView, it's supposed to be another replacement for Adobe Illustrator. i'll check em all out, kick the circuits round & let y'all know what i think of them. Always & forever, Crazy Chick whoa, kiddies.....i was going to stay home last night buttt some friends called & said, "X" bar is having a dart tourney. ya gotta go even if ya don't throw but if ya want you can use mine. now i'm wondering if i should check the local news to see if my fave bar is still standing lmao. i didn't throw but sat, watched, drank way too much & laughed.
today is a remembrance for us in the States. 15 yrs ago, we all know where we were & what we were doing. like Dec 7th, 1941, it's a day that will live in infamy for my generation. i found out last week that this event will be taught as a history lesson now to school age kids cause most weren't alive when it happened. wow! if you find yourself "flashing back" with unpleasant feelings/thoughts, limit your exposure to news & things that want to play the same clips over & over. me? i'll be jammin' to some good grooves, crocheting & playing on this blog lmao. Advice for the day? When things aren't going right.....slow down, adjust your sails & wait for the wind. Always & forever, Crazy Chick |
Auburn-haired crazy chickI'm a bipolar Gemini in my 40's. Born & raised in IL now in the Horse Capital of the World, Lexington KY. Archives
December 2016
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