rantings & ramblings
Things I like, hate or find interesting.
it's that time of yr, kiddies, when i must sit down & crochet til my fingers & neck hurt to get out all the Christmas, Hanukkah & Yule gifts i just LOVE giving. it really is a HUGE addiction of mine to make those i love in my life happy & see them smile. makes me happy & smile giggle.
i have a lot of hearts to make, some angels & i would love to get some smaller doilies made. none take long if i can just stay home, sit & do lol i have just been swamped this wk, next wk is a very slow 1 so i'm in hopes i can get most of these lil things done. shout out to my fam & friends who have been so nice about being put on the back burner so i can do 1 passion/addiction for them & others. advice? 1 day @ a time & when you can't do that.......5 mins will do just fine Always & forever, Crazy Chick hey, kiddies! today, i tackle to projects that are getting the better of me & well i just can't have that lol. i really do get the "bull in a china shop" tude. if i don't, i sink & i can't have that either lol.
today, i also wanted to reach out to some that i've kinda put on the back burner of my life while i put some other fires out. i haven't been multi-tasking well in the last few wks & i can't have that either lol. yea, got a nasty habit of tryin' to stay 3 steps ahead of everyone...... sometimes i get it, sometimes i don't lol. i'm a simple girl, i just need those around me to be happy.......that makes me happy :) advice? sit down & count everything lil thing you can do that others can't. like walk & talk......be grateful Always & Forever, Crazy Chick it's Monday, let's make it a good 1, kiddies. you'll never get another 10/10/16 again giggle. almost got my morning chores done then i get to crochet & goof a bit. yay me!! lol
listening to some classic rock, drinking some joy in a mug (otherwise known as coffee) & yaking w/ some friends.....life is good, kiddies :) i'll do my best to get some new things on here today....please note the word "try" lol advice?? surround yourself w/ people who enhance the real you & hold on! Always & forever, Crazy Chick ahhh, kiddies, trying to keep my head held high but it's getting hard. i'm fighting the good fight tho. makes me proud of myself in a way cause i really would love to curl up in the fetal position in my cozy bed & hide.
but in true Crazy Chick fashion, i'm bulldozing my way through it hahaha. life is still good just a bit bumpy right now. friends coming & going, rearranging some things, waking up to some old facts that i've forgotten. i've settled some things w/ a few people in my life....not good, bad just different. going to be weird not calling/texting/talking to them but that's the way it goes. the only constant in life is change. going to try tomorrow to get back to my norm. we'll see it i can pull it off hahaha. got some projects finished that i would like to get posted. hell, i'd like to do a lot of things but this adulting gets in the way hahaha. always & forever, Crazy Chick not sure that i'm going to be able to be around the next few days. got a lot going down in my life right now. my friends & fam need me.
i'll do what i can, when i can........ morning, kiddies...we've made it 1/2 way thru the wk. yay us! this am's discussion.....stupidity. 1 of my fave subjects, mainly cause i can be really stupid lol.
yesterday was a perfect example of it......i spilled a bit of my precious hot joy early, no biggy. stubbed my toe on the table in my room, crap happens. almost spilled a bottle of water on my crochet project....yea, that about did me in then........ i needed 126 stitches on a round on above mentioned project, i had 78. uggghhhh where did i go wrong? start @ the beginning & make sure you got what you're supposed to have. yep....hmmm, ok do the math. i swallowed my pride (math is NOT a strong suit for me) & was going to ask my friends for help then i seen it.........i read the pattern wrong!! OMG!! i just wanted to cry lmao!! i had spent 30 mins or so only to find out that it was a "crazy chick error" lol. i put up some new jokes cause the brothers got to telling them yesterday so i got some up. rearranged some things on the crocheting sections, hopefully to make it easier to navigate. today, i'm going to try & find the time to post the latest little projects i've gotten done. the coasters are just too cute for me messing them up lol. advice? just cause it doesn't go as you planned doesn't mean it won't turn out good for you Always & forever, Crazy Chick i'm pretty black & white. not a lot of grey for me. grey is wishy washy to me so i try to pick the best option til i have better info & data.
except liking & loving.....if i like you, i'll play nice most the time. ask how you are, the fam, etc. if i love you, you're just in trouble. i will find your weaknesses & expose them in a joke &/or shenanigan every chance i get. i tell my niece all the time......i love you more than my life but if you tell anyone, i'll deny it to my last breath.....she tells everyone that i love her, i sit there & deny it cause i know it makes her giggle. i want my friends happy but i want those i love taken care of no matter what. whatever it is they need & if i can help w/ that.......so be it. & i don't think there has to be anything there between a male & female except friendship. i have a lot of guy friends. why? they're less complicated for the most part, less drama & they'll buy you a beer rofl. my g/f's get the "oh holy hell, this person needs to quit breathing" part but the guys say things like, "we'll just shoot em" rofl. don't get me wrong, i love my girls. they keep me outta jail 6 days outta 7!! they understand the non-verbal of me. they know when to ask & when to let it slide. but i'm a Gemini, i NEED variety in my life when it comes to friends, music, well pretty much everything but a few things. i don't like being the same all the time either. it gets boring & i just can't have that lmao. some days, i'm all cool, chilled & relaxed....some i'm hell on wheels looking for trouble. just depends on the 1st, oh hr or so i'm up lol. advice? you don't always have to push things. if it's meant to be, it'll pretty much fall in your lap. Always & forever, Crazy Chick said it before, sayin' it again.....i wanna be the type that slides into my grave yellin', "yeeehawwww!! what a ride!!" life is way to serious w/ the things that can't be avoided why in hell would i want to be more serious than that?? lol
& i do what i gotta do so i can do what i want to do. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but hey.....makes it interesting lol. i think the trick to some of it is deciding when you want to jump & when you want to sit in wait. i don't have regrets per type but i do have 2 things in my 40+ yrs that i'd do the same thing but i don't think i would've waited so long. not sure but it's a thought lol. took yesterday off the blog for the 1st time since i started it almost a month ago. i jumped on just long enough to make sure i didn't have messages. today there are things i would like to get on here so hoping that my allotted time doesn't go too fast & i can get it done lol. advice? grab the brass ring once in a while, you might be surprised what grabs you back Always & forever, Crazy Chick getting ready to hit it hard so i can get done early......for tnight.........we drink! a fave toast of mine is, Here's to nights we won't remember & friends we won't forget!!
been a while & i've been stressed enough for 5 people soooo thanks to a couple of great friends, we party!!! i have EVERY intention of not seeing by the time we're done lmao. last time we were together, we took the mandatory "closed the bar" pic.....none of our eyes are over 1/4 open!! LOVE that pic! & i do love the people in the pic that makes it even better! advice? don't let the serious take over your life. live to the fullest, laugh like no one can hear you & love every chance you get.......clique but true *giggle* Always & forever, Crazy Chick |
Auburn-haired crazy chickI'm a bipolar Gemini in my 40's. Born & raised in IL now in the Horse Capital of the World, Lexington KY. Archives
December 2016
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