rantings & ramblings
Things I like, hate or find interesting.
hey, kiddies.....
If I know one thing, that's true....It ain't what you say, it's what you do. And you don't say much, yeah, that's true. But I listen when you do. A thousand years go by. But love don't die..... that's very true for me. it my book it changes but it don't die. if you truly love someone, it really never goes away. w/ my 2nd ex, i'm not IN love w/ him but i still somewhat care about him. he's slowly changing that but that's a story for another time lol. i guess i just don't understand how you can wake up 1 morning & go, "yup, i'm done. see around". i know a guy that came home from work after 28 yrs of marriage, 2 kids & a grandbaby on the way, told his wife that he wanted a divorce cause he was tired of being married to her & being bogged down w/ 2 kids. If that doesn't scream "midlife crisis" i don't know what does. then on the plain ole friendship level, how do you just quit talking to someone you spoke to regularly? i used to talk to a g/f every day, now we barely speak. i try but there's always something. i guess what i'm trying to say is...........i get tired of making it work w/ friends. you want me, come to me for awhile. the only people i owe are the 1's who take a step to me to help make it work out. the reason i'm bringing this up is the fact that in the last 2 wks, my love & loyalty have been questioned. to be frank about it, it pisses me off. the 1's doing the questioning should know me oh so much better than that. it's simple, i don't say it unless i mean it (i prob will say it @ the wrong time BUT i mean it). i'm in or out, there's very little grey in my world. & the few things i WILL fight for/over are the facts that i love w/ every cell i have, i'm loyal, i'm tough, i'm strong, i'm a fighter & i'm a survivor. after those we'll talk lol advice?? watch for snakes in the grass & a Latin phrase that i have loved for the last few yrs is........veni vidi vici........i came, i saw, i conquered Always & forever, Crazy Chick Comments are closed.
Auburn-haired crazy chickI'm a bipolar Gemini in my 40's. Born & raised in IL now in the Horse Capital of the World, Lexington KY. Archives
December 2016
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